of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden
The Conference ended
About conference
We invite you to take part in IV International Scientific and Practical Conference
GenBio – is a biennial scientific and practical conference that brings together scientists from all regions of Russia and many foreign countries. The conference will present the results of genome research and conservation of plant genetic resources based on the latest research in genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology, practical use of the world gene pool of cultivated and wild plants in breeding and rational nature management. It is planned to discuss promising areas of joint work on fundamental and applied aspects of the study of plant biodiversity.
In 2024 the conference will be held at the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (Moscow, FGBNU VNIISB).
The working language of the conference is Russian and English.
We invite you to take part in IV International Scientific and Practical Conference
GenBio – is a biennial scientific and practical conference that brings together scientists from all regions of Russia and many foreign countries. The conference will present the results of genome research and conservation of plant genetic resources based on the latest research in genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology, practical use of the world gene pool of cultivated and wild plants in breeding and rational nature management. It is planned to discuss promising areas of joint work on fundamental and applied aspects of the study of plant biodiversity.
In 2024 the conference will be held at the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (Moscow, FGBNU VNIISB). .
The conference programme includes the following areas:
Genomics, transcriptomics and bioinformatics of plants.
Biotechnology and bioengineering of plants.
Breeding of agricultural plants.
Work with bioresource collections of plants, methods of gene pool conservation.
Abstracts should be submitted in Russian and English (in both languages). The volume of the thesis text should not exceed 1 page. Requirements for abstract design will be sent out in the second newsletter.
Each registered participant of the conference can submit no more than two abstracts for publication in the Conference Proceedings.
After the conference, full-text articles will be published in the editions: Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding (WoS IF = 0.9 (Q3), Scopus).
Oral report at the plenary session (at the suggestion of the Organising Committee);
Oral report at the section;
Poster presentation;
Absentee participation.
Forms of participation:
Tasks of the conference:
Exchange of experience and increasing the awareness of Russian and foreign experts about studies carried out in the Russian Federation in the field of genetics and selection.
Development and strengthening of relations between institutions of the highest schools and academic organizations.
Discussion of complex interdisciplinary projects fundamental and applied research in the field of genetics and selection.
Popularization of genetic and selection achievements.
Development of international professional contacts in fields of genetics and selection.
Conference organizers:

FGBUN "Order of the Red Banner of Labour Nikita Botanical Garden - National Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences".
The State Botanical Garden near Yalta, a comprehensive research institution, conducting work on botany, fruiting and crop production.

Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение «Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт сельскохозяйственной биотехнологии»
Институт был создан в 1974 году как Всесоюзный институт прикладной молекулярной биологии и генетики, и позднее переименован во Всероссийский НИИ сельскохозяйственной биотехнологии Российской академии сельскохозяйственных наук.
Основной задачей института является проведение фундаментальных и прикладных исследований, направленных на разработку новых биотехнологий с целью создания исходных перспективных форм сельскохозяйственных растений и животных с улучшенными характеристиками.
- Discussion of promising areas of joint work
- School for young scientists "Genomics and Plant Biotechnology
- Welcomeparty
- Coffee breaks
- Articles in the editions: Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding
- Collection of abstracts, assigned DOI
- A certificate of participation

Ю. В. Плугатарь

Е. А. Водясова

Э. С. Челебиева

В. А. Цюпка
Conference schedule
7 October
10:00-11:30 Registration of conference participants
11:30-11:45 The opening of the conference
11:45-14:00 Plenary reports
14:00-14:30 Break, coffee break
14:30-17:00 Plenary reports
17:00-17:10 Photo of the conference participants
17:10-20:00 A welcome buffet
8 October
10:00-12:50 Section 1 "Biostasis, passportation and bioresorsa resist collections of plants"
12:50-14:00 The opening of the posture section, dinner
14:00-16:00 Round table "Genetic certification of agricultural plants: problems and prospects"
14:00-18:00 School for young scientists "Genomics and biotechnology of plants"
9 October
10:00-12:20 Section 2 "Biotechnology and bioenginery of plants"
12:20-13:15 Dinner
13:15-14:35 Continuation of the section 2
14:35-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-16:15 Continuation of the section 2
16:15-16:45 Reports of young scientists in the framework of the school for young scientists "Genomics and Biotechnology of Plants"
10 October
10:00-12:35 Section 3 "Genomics, transcription and bioinformatics of plants"
12:35-13:30 Dinner
13:30-15:05 Continuation of the section 3
15:30-16:50 Continuation of the section 3 and beginning Section 4
11 October
10:00-12:50 Section 4 "Classical and genomic approaches to selection of agricultural plants"
12:50-13:30 Coffee break
13:30-14:00 Closing the conference
Organisation fee
To conclude a contract, go to the Agreement for the provision of services page and follow the attached instructions.
Participant category and form of participationEarly payment (until 01.08.2024), RUB.Late payment (till 20.09.2024), RUB.
Scientists over 35 years of age, full-time participation60007000
Young scientists (up to 35 years old inclusive), full-time participation40005000
Absentee participation2000
Accompanying persons40005000
How to get
Conference will be held from 7 to 11 October 2024, in Moscow (Russia) and is organised within the framework of the National Project "Science and Universities" for the establishment of the Kurchatov Genomic Centre.
Ground transport
Tram number 27, stop "Institute of Biotechnology"
Stations "Dmitrovskaya", "Timiryazevskaya", "Voikovskaya"

Nikita Botanical Garden
298648, Russia, Republic of Crimea, d.Yalta, PGT Nikita, Nikitsky Spusk, 52
Secretary of the Organizational Committee:
Valentina Tsyupka
+7 (978) 803-81-98
Elina Chelebieva
+7 (978) 801-30-73